
[ Quick Education Links: Computer Graphics | HTML | Flash | Dreamweaver ]


Jet EngineThis section is geared to all ages. Neptune Media World is constantly creating educational animations and interactive modules about computer graphics and new media. The links below will help you get started if you are a beginner. For the advanced developers, please email me at nmediaworld@gmail.com.

In addition to the media resources below, please see some of my educational work for the Learning Technologies Project (LTP) at http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/.

Current Media training modules:

Introduction to Computer Graphics:
This section covers the basic vocabulary of graphics. What are pixels? What is the difference between a JPG and a GIF are discussed. Other file formats, and other graphics terms will be added.

Web development:
This sections covers web development including HTML coding (formatting, graphics, links, etc.), software programs, 508 complaince and other web related topics.

Adobe's Flash software:
This popular section covers the fundamentals of Flash. We will cover animation, actionscripting, and some game development. You are allowed to use the Flash tutorials for learning purposes only...if you need to use something in a commercial application, please place a visible credit on your product/animation/project with Neptune Media World's website link: www.neptunemediaworld.com

Adobe's Dreamweaver software:
This popular section covers the fundamentals of Dreamweaver. We will cover html, linking, and site management.

Videoconferencing: [located at LTP]
This section covers issues involved in distance learning via IP or ISDN lines.

Training classes are available for groups or for individuals. Click here for available classes.

CD-ROM development:
This section covers the basics of creating your own CD-ROM for distribution including content creation, CD-ROM preparation, and other multimedia related topics.

3D Modeling and Animation:

Video Editing and Compositing:
We will learn how to use common video editing programs, what the video terms mean, and how to put your movie on to a CD, VHS, or DVD. In the advanced sections, we will cover compositing and special effects.


© 2010 Neptune Media World